Climate and Disaster Exposure Database (ClimEx.db)


General Information:

Author: UNDP, Australian Government, Philippines Climate Chanage Commission

Year of publication: 2014

Available languages: English

Details of Assessment:

Type of assessment: Pre-disaster risk assessment

Format of assessment: App

Details: A mobile survey tool to collect data; A desktop application for viewing, analyzing, and generating tables and charts from the gathered data; A server to upload and store all collected data

Estimated costs for conducting: No information

Estimated duration of assessment: No information

To be carried out by whom: Consultants (climate experts)

Institutional scale of use: Local/community

Assesment to be used by which target audience: Local decision makers

Output: Risk map

Details: Data is collected via a survey and the findings are presented in various maps, eg. a production map: farm affected by flood; production map: livestock output etc. 


Coverage & Methodology:

Region of origin: Australia and Oceania, Asia, North America

Developed by which sector: Development cooperation

Applied in practice: Yes

Geographic coverage in analysis: Worldwide

Potential geographic coverage: Worldwide

Sectors covered: Urban sector, Agriculture

Method used: Mixed method approach

Description of methodology: Field surveys to be conducted through direct-questionnaire interviews, taking photographs, and capturing geographic coordinates from the GPS or maps built into the app

Risk framework used: No explicit use of risk framework

Risk components incorporated: All

Details: Risks and exposure of households, buildings, and production areas

Hazards and impacts considered in the assessment: All hazards

Source of required data: Primary (data has to be generated)

Details: Data is to be collected from field surveys through direct-questionnaire interviews, taking photographs, and capturing geographic coordinates from the GPS or maps built into the app. Three types of surveys may be created and recorded through the application: household survey, building survey, and production area survey

Temporal scale: All

Participatory elements: Yes

Details: Surveys, interviews, trainings

Consideration of interconnectedness and -dependencies of risks: No information

Adressing uncertainty: No information

Scope of assessment: Identification of risks, assessment of impacts

Details: The database can be used to improve urban and regional planning by refining land use maps and providing insights on areas where developments are being proposed. Land uses within settlement areas may now be defined at the building level, while production areas like agriculture can be described according to crops grown and possible threats from natural hazards. When applied to infrastructure planning and urban development, it will be used to decide retrofitting strategies and setting local building standards. The exposure data will be used to define requirements for drainage improvement, retention/detention ponds for subdivisions and other forms of land development

Relevance for losses and damages:

Economic/Non-Economic losses incorporated: Economic

Applicability for entire risk spectrum (from extreme weather events to slow onset processes): Yes


Recommendations for Adaptation measures included in Climate Risk Assessment: Partly

Details: It does not include recommendations directly, but it is used as a baseline to chose adaptation options and inform such decision making

Usefulness for political purposes: It is very useful for a political purpose and has informed many local governemnts

Applied by whom: Project Climate Twin Phoenix

Open access: Yes