Author: Adapting to Climate Change Programme, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (UK)
Year of publication: 2012
Available languages: English
Type of assessment: Comprehensive impact and risk assessment
Format of assessment: Report
Estimated costs for conducting: No information
Estimated duration of assessment: No information
To be carried out by whom: Consultants (climate experts)
Institutional scale of use: National
Details: UK
Assesment to be used by which target audience: State level decision makers
Output: Report
Region of origin: Europe
Developed by which sector: State-run
Applied in practice: Yes
Geographic coverage in analysis: Europe
Potential geographic coverage: Location specific data is needed as input
Sectors covered: Commercial sector, Infrastructure, Financial sector, Toursim sector, Agriculture, Water sector
Details: Oil, gas and mining, chemical manufacturing, beverage manufacturing
Method used: Mixed method approach
Description of methodology: Identification and characterization of impacts (literature review, systemic mapping of cross sectoral impacts); assessment of vulnerability (policy review, checklist of social vulnerability factors, literature review on adaptive capacity within sectors); identification of main risks (cluster analysis, multi-criteria assessment, risk metric development); assessment of current and future risk (development of response function by using available data (risk metric - climate driver); scenario mapping (projections in population growth, economic impacts)
Risk framework used: Broad risk mapping according to different definition
Risk components incorporated: All
Hazards and impacts considered in the assessment: All hazards
Source of required data: Secondary (available data is used)
Details: Literature, policy documents, scenarios, data on climate drivers, population data
Temporal scale: Forward looking
Participatory elements: No
Consideration of interconnectedness and -dependencies of risks: Yes
Details: Systematic mapping of cross sectoral impacts of risks
Adressing uncertainty: Yes
Scope of assessment: Identification of risks, assessment of impacts
Economic/Non-Economic losses incorporated: Both
Applicability for entire risk spectrum (from extreme weather events to slow onset processes): Yes
Details: Depends on the risks identified in sector analysis
Recommendations for Adaptation measures included in Climate Risk Assessment: No
Applied by whom: Acclimatize/ HR Wallingford
Open access: Yes