Author: Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA), International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
Year of publication: 2009
Available languages: English
Type of assessment: Comprehensive impact and risk assessment
Format of assessment: Report
Estimated costs for conducting: High
Estimated duration of assessment: No information
To be carried out by whom: Scientists/researchers
Institutional scale of use: Continental
Details: Continental, National, regional
Assesment to be used by which target audience: Regional decision makers
Details: External donors, aimed to guide the flow of funds for adaptation
Output: Excel sheet
Details: Vulnerability map
Region of origin: Asia, Europe, North America
Developed by which sector: Development cooperation, Science
Applied in practice: Yes
Geographic coverage in analysis: Asia
Potential geographic coverage: Worldwide
Details: Expert judgement has been used to identify indicators for adaptive capacity referring in some cases to specific sectors (such as extent of irrigation) in other cases are more general (poverty incidence)
Method used: Quantitative model
Description of methodology: Construction of a climate change vulnerability index (hazards maps, population density, adaptive capacity), then maps are overlayed to portray a full vulnerability picture
Risk framework used: Broad risk mapping according to different definition
Details: AR3
Risk components incorporated: All
Hazards and impacts considered in the assessment: Cyclone (including tropical storm, hurricane and typhoon), Drought, Flood, Landslide
Details: Sub-national administrative data, data on climate hazards depending on which hazards are prevalent in the region of interest, population data, biodiversity data, adaptive capacity data (HDI,data on electric coverage)
Participatory elements: Partly
Details: Weighting of indicators has been done by an expert team
Consideration of interconnectedness and -dependencies of risks: Partly
Adressing uncertainty: No
Details: Only vulnerability mapping
Economic/Non-Economic losses incorporated: Both
Applicability for entire risk spectrum (from extreme weather events to slow onset processes): Yes
Recommendations for Adaptation measures included in Climate Risk Assessment: No
Applied by whom: EEPSEA
Open access: Yes