Climate Proofing ADB Investment in the Transport Sector


General Information:

Author: Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Year of publication: 2014

Available languages: English

Details of Assessment:

Type of assessment: Climate change adaptation assessment

Details: The core acitivies include: Impact assessment, vulnerability assessment, and adaptation assessment, including an economic assessment

Format of assessment: Guideline

Details: Methodological approach with six sets of activities, which is broken up into 20 steps

Estimated costs for conducting: 35000-250000 USD

Estimated duration of assessment: Inputs will consist of approximately 4 person-months by international consultants and 5 person-months of national consultants assisting the international consultants. Plus approx. 4-5 person-months from external consultants

To be carried out by whom: Multiple actors

Details: Project teams consisted of: 1 team leader, 1 civil engineer, 1 economist, 1 international and 1 national environmental and social and poverty specialist, 1 hydrologist. Plus contracted Consultants (approx. 4-5 person months): 1 Impact assessment specialist, 1 vulnerability assessment specialist, 1 adaptation specialist, 1 person for economic analysis

Institutional scale of use: Multiple (see details)

Details: Sectoral approach: only road infrastructure projects, according to road type this might involve different institutional levels

Assesment to be used by which target audience: Multiple actors

Details: Policy makers in the transport sector, who want to implement projects (not specified whether on national or local level); project teams to use assessment for incorporating CCA measures into transport sector investment projects

Output: Report

Details: Vulnerability and risk map


Coverage & Methodology:

Region of origin: Asia

Developed by which sector: Development cooperation

Applied in practice: Yes

Geographic coverage in analysis: Asia, Pacific Islands

Potential geographic coverage: Worldwide

Sectors covered: Infrastructure

Method used: Other (see details)

Description of methodology: Method(s) to be identified in step 5 by those carrying out assessment

Risk framework used: AR5

Risk components incorporated: All

Hazards and impacts considered in the assessment: Changing precipitation patterns, Changing temperature patterns, Loss of biodiversity, Extreme temperatures, Extreme rainfall, Drought, Flood, Wildfire, Vulcanic eruption, Earthquake, Tsunami

Source of required data: Secondary (available data is used)

Details: All relevant climate change projections and local historical climate data depending on data availability

Temporal scale: Forward looking

Participatory elements: Partly

Details: Method suggests community participation in order to identify risks, benefits, and lessons from past experiences that can be factored into the design of the adaptation strategy. For doing so it refers to additional resources providing tools for community participation. Also suggests that participation across ministries is necessary

Consideration of interconnectedness and -dependencies of risks: No

Details: Is not explicitly stated

Adressing uncertainty: Yes

Details: Decision making under uncertainty, uncertainty of climate projections

Scope of assessment: Identification of risks, assessment of impacts

Details: Based on the identified risks and potential impacts project teams shall be able to incorporate climate change adaptation measures into transport sector investment projects

Relevance for losses and damages:

Economic/Non-Economic losses incorporated: Economic

Details: Economic losses incorporated: Economic assessment of the do-nothing scenario and cost-benefit analysis of adaptation options. Non-economic losses are not taken into account in a structured manner

Applicability for entire risk spectrum (from extreme weather events to slow onset processes): Yes

Details: The impact assessment included relevant climate parameters such as: change in onset and intensity of seasonal rains; increase in very hot days and heatwaves; sea level rise; increase in intensity and frequency of extreme weather events; changes in seasonal precipitation and flooding patterns; and increase in cyclone intensity, frequency, and duration, and associated storm surge and wave action; increased salinity levels


Recommendations for Adaptation measures included in Climate Risk Assessment: Yes

Usefulness for political purposes: No indication

Open access: Yes