Longitudinal assessment of climate vulnerability: a case study from the Canadian Arctic


General Information:

Author: Archer, L. et al.

Year of publication: 2017

Available languages: English

Details of Assessment:

Type of assessment: Vulnerability assessment

Format of assessment: Scientific article

Estimated costs for conducting: No information

Estimated duration of assessment: No information

To be carried out by whom: Scientists/researchers

Institutional scale of use: Local/community

Assesment to be used by which target audience: Multiple actors

Details: Local decision makers and land users

Output: Report

Details: Report includes illustrative graphs indicating changes in sea ice


Coverage & Methodology:

Region of origin: North America, Australia

Developed by which sector: Science

Applied in practice: Yes

Geographic coverage in analysis: North America

Potential geographic coverage: Arctic region

Sectors covered: Agriculture, Biodiversity

Details: Subsistence harvesting of renewable resources

Method used: Mixed method approach

Description of methodology: Conducting semi-structured interviews with a representative sample of community members, this was then compared with the interview data from the past round of interviews through descriptive analysis according to a coding scheme identifying exposure sensitivity and adaptive capacity. Then this was contextualized with data showing the evolution of sea ice cover.

Risk framework used: No explicit use of risk framework

Details: AR4

Risk components incorporated: Vulnerability, sensitivity, exposure, adaptive capacity

Details: According to AR4

Hazards and impacts considered in the assessment: Sea ice retreat

Source of required data: Primary and secondary

Details: Interviews, data on hazard (sea ice retreat)

Temporal scale: Backward looking

Participatory elements: Yes

Details: Interviews

Consideration of interconnectedness and -dependencies of risks: Yes

Adressing uncertainty: No

Scope of assessment: Identification of risks, assessment of impacts

Details: Impacts on vulnerability

Relevance for losses and damages:

Economic/Non-Economic losses incorporated: Both

Applicability for entire risk spectrum (from extreme weather events to slow onset processes): Partly

Details: Only considers changes in sea ice (SOE)


Recommendations for Adaptation measures included in Climate Risk Assessment: No

Applied by whom: Archer, L. et al.

Open access: Subscription required