Mali Climate Vulnerability Mapping


General Information:

Author: USAID

Year of publication: 2014

Available languages: English

Details of Assessment:

Type of assessment: Vulnerability assessment

Format of assessment: Report

Estimated costs for conducting: No information

Estimated duration of assessment: No information

To be carried out by whom: Scientists/researchers

Details: Climate scientists as this is a highly scientific approach requiring in-depth understanding of data analysis

Institutional scale of use: National

Assesment to be used by which target audience: Others (please specify)

Details: Decision makers in development cooperation

Output: Others (see details)

Details: Vulnerability maps


Coverage & Methodology:

Region of origin: North America

Developed by which sector: Development cooperation

Applied in practice: Yes

Geographic coverage in analysis: Africa

Potential geographic coverage: Mali, could be adapted to other contexts

Sectors covered: Agriculture, Biodiversity, Education sector, Commercial sector, Health sector

Method used: Index development

Description of methodology: Spatial Index approach: identification of focus of interest; data collection; development of spatial indicators (utilizing expert judgement); conversion of spatial data into grids- normalization of indicators; weighting of indicators; mapping; projections for RCP4.5 and RCP 8.5

Risk framework used: AR4

Risk components incorporated: Exposure, sensitivity, adaptive capacity

Hazards and impacts considered in the assessment: Changing precipitation patterns, Changing temperature patterns, Extreme temperatures

Source of required data: Secondary (available data is used)

Details: Spatial datasets that represent the components of interest (e.g. vulnerability of food production, livelihood insecurity), a focus has to be identified which needs to be represented in the data

Temporal scale: Forward looking

Participatory elements: No

Consideration of interconnectedness and -dependencies of risks: No

Adressing uncertainty: Yes

Details: Through sensitivity analysis of the results, uncertainty within the models are considered and robustness of results is verified

Scope of assessment: Identification of risks

Details: Assessment determines spatial vulnerability to climate hazards

Relevance for losses and damages:

Economic/Non-Economic losses incorporated: None

Applicability for entire risk spectrum (from extreme weather events to slow onset processes): No

Details: Does not include EWE


Recommendations for Adaptation measures included in Climate Risk Assessment: No

Applied by whom: International Earth Science Information Network, Columbia University (CIESIN) for USAID Mali

Open access: Yes