Author: OECD
Year of publication: 2008
Available languages: English
Type of assessment: Vulnerability assessment
Details: Estimates exposure and vulnerability caused by changing climate, disasters and risks for 136 port cities around the world
Format of assessment: Report
Details: Offers method to produce ranking of city vulnerability to coastal flooding
Estimated costs for conducting: Not specified; extensive data accumulations might be expensive
Estimated duration of assessment: Not specified; extensive data accumulation might be time-consuming
To be carried out by whom: Government representatives
Institutional scale of use: Local/community
Details: Port cities with more than a million inhabitants
Assesment to be used by which target audience: Local decision makers
Output: Report
Details: This analysis provides a tool to rank global port cities which are/might be most subjected to coastal flooding exposure and other risks posed by climate change, also in economic terms
Region of origin: Europe
Developed by which sector: Development cooperation
Applied in practice: Yes
Geographic coverage in analysis: Worldwide
Potential geographic coverage: Port-cities with coastal access
Details: Comprehensive analysis that investigates population and assets exposed to risks (no specific sectors are mentioned)
Method used: Mixed method approach
Description of methodology: Mixes qualitative and quantitative approaches based on extensive data and own criteria; combines different analysis with existing modelling approaches. e.g. flooding analysis based on elevation data
Risk framework used: No explicit use of risk framework
Risk components incorporated: All
Hazards and impacts considered in the assessment: Cyclone (including tropical storm, hurricane and typhoon), Extreme rainfall, Flood, Landslide, Sea level rise, Storm surge
Details: Different datasets are consulted, e.g. population data, vulnerability data elevation data specific to each of the cities examined
Participatory elements: No
Consideration of interconnectedness and -dependencies of risks: Partly
Details: Combines exposure data with population and economic growth resulting in an analysis of how climate change / floodings affect assets & population
Adressing uncertainty: No
Scope of assessment: Identification of risks, assessment of impacts, identification of adaptation options, priorization of adaptation options
Details: Directed towards assessment of exposure
Economic/Non-Economic losses incorporated: Both
Details: Refers to the exposure of economic assets as well as other socio-economic variables (populations)
Applicability for entire risk spectrum (from extreme weather events to slow onset processes): Yes
Details: Refers mainly to EWE and for eg: sea-level-rise
Recommendations for Adaptation measures included in Climate Risk Assessment: Partly
Details: Throughout this report, the need for adaptation strategies is stressed, but no concrete recommendations for adaptation are provided
Usefulness for political purposes: Development plans, NAP
Applied by whom: OECD
Open access: Yes