Risk and Readiness for Insurance Solutions Assessment Tool’ (InsuRisk Assessment Tool)


General Information:

Author: United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS)

Year of publication: 2018

Available languages: English

Details of Assessment:

Type of assessment: Vulnerability assessment

Details: Risk and Readiness for Insurance Solutions Assessment

Format of assessment: Report

Estimated costs for conducting: No information

Estimated duration of assessment: No information

To be carried out by whom: Multiple actors

Details: Governments, insurers, implementing partners, researchers

Institutional scale of use: National

Assesment to be used by which target audience: State level decision makers

Output: Report


Coverage & Methodology:

Region of origin: Europe

Developed by which sector: Science

Applied in practice: Partly

Potential geographic coverage: Worlwide (low and lower-middle income countries)

Sectors covered: Biodiversity, Commercial sector, Energy sector, Health sector, Livelihood sector, Water sector

Method used: Index development

Description of methodology: Different indicators integrated into multiple modules resulting in index scores for each component

Risk framework used: No explicit use of risk framework

Risk components incorporated: Hazard

Details: Prevention and insurance

Hazards and impacts considered in the assessment: Cold spell, Cyclone (including tropical storm, hurricane and typhoon), Drought, Earthquake, Extreme rainfall, Flood, Heatwave, Storm surge, Tsunami, Volcanic eruption

Participatory elements: Yes

Details: Involvement of stakeholders (e.g. politicians) to combine different modules

Consideration of interconnectedness and -dependencies of risks: No information

Adressing uncertainty: No

Scope of assessment: Identification of risks, assessment of impacts, identification of adaptation options

Details: Identification of risks, exposure and vulnerability, determination of coping capacity, prevention and insurance

Relevance for losses and damages:

Economic/Non-Economic losses incorporated: Both

Applicability for entire risk spectrum (from extreme weather events to slow onset processes): No

Details: Only EWE


Recommendations for Adaptation measures included in Climate Risk Assessment: No

Usefulness for political purposes: Improved understanding and capacity building for politicians and insurers to deal with risks and prevention

Applied by whom: UNU-EHS

Open access: Yes