

General Information:

Author: Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI USA), Azavea Inc.

Year of publication: 2016

Available languages: English

Details of Assessment:

Type of assessment: Vulnerability assessment

Details: Comprehensive vulnerability assessment

Format of assessment: Web tool

Estimated costs for conducting: 1500-4200 USD / year

Estimated duration of assessment: Several days (longer if stakeholder involved)

To be carried out by whom: Government representatives

Details: City level

Institutional scale of use: Local/community

Details: City level

Assesment to be used by which target audience: Local decision makers

Output: Report


Coverage & Methodology:

Region of origin: North America

Developed by which sector: Development cooperation, private sector

Applied in practice: No information

Geographic coverage in analysis: North America

Potential geographic coverage: USA (cities)

Sectors covered: Agriculture, Biodiversity, Infrastructure, Forestry, Commercial sector, Health Sector, Water sector, Energy sector, Education sector, Humanitarian sector

Details: Waste Management, Information & Communications Technology, Industrial, Residential, Community & Culture, Law & Order

Method used: Mixed method approach

Description of methodology: Quantitative modeling for climate related hazards is combined with literature based identification of adaptation options

Risk framework used: Broad risk mapping according to different definition

Details: In Temperate, a “risk” is the pairing of a climate-related hazard and a community system (a subset of people, structures or assets) that may be impacted by it

Risk components incorporated: Hazard, risk

Hazards and impacts considered in the assessment: Changing precipitation patterns, Changing temperature patterns, Loss of biodiversity, Extreme temperatures, Extreme rainfall, Drought, Flood, Wildfire

Source of required data: Secondary (available data is used)

Details: Tool links automatically to NASA produced temperature and precipitation data for cities across the entire USA historically and under two popular carbon emission scenarios projected until the end of the century

Temporal scale: Current, Forward looking

Participatory elements: Partly

Details: As decided by user (can invite colleagues / stakeholders to the tool)

Consideration of interconnectedness and -dependencies of risks: No information

Adressing uncertainty: Partly

Details: Use of means of different models and visualizing the whole range represented by the models

Scope of assessment: Identification of risks, assessment of impacts, identification of adaptation options

Relevance for losses and damages:

Economic/Non-Economic losses incorporated: Both

Applicability for entire risk spectrum (from extreme weather events to slow onset processes): Yes


Recommendations for Adaptation measures included in Climate Risk Assessment: Yes

Details: Based on research done in adaptation planning documents published by cities in the U.S.

Applied by whom: ICLEI USA, Azavea Inc.

Open access: Only methodology of the digital tool is open access